Powerline replacement at Grassmere
[On-screen text: Powerline Bushfire Safety Program. Working to make communities safer.]
[On-screen image: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning logo]
[On-screen text: Grassmere livestock farm.]
[On-screen text: Victorian Government has taken action to protect lives and property across the state by reducing the risk of bushfires.]
[On-screen text: A $200 million fund was established to identify and remove the most dangerous bare-wire overhead powerlines in the state.]
[On-screen text: Projects are located across Victoria's most dangerous bushfire areas.]
[On-screen text: Works are two years ahead of schedule.]
[On-screen text: 735 individual bare-wire powerline removal projects will be completed in the 6 years to December 2018.]
[On-screen text: Over 3,000 power-poles and 178 km or bare-wire powerlines have been removed.]
[On-screen text: Victoria now has the most bushfire safe power network in the country.]
[On-screen text: Powerline Bushfire Safety Program. Building stronger regional towns. Improving the safety for all Victorians.]
[On-screen image: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning logo]
[On-screen text: delwp.vic.gov.au.]
[On-screen text: Authorised by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, 8 Nicholson Street, East Melbourne]
Page last updated: 21/11/23