On this page:

Data is key to understanding how much energy your business uses, when and how. And once you’ve got this, you can get started reducing costs.

Why energy data?

All businesses are unique and use energy in different ways. Having energy consumption data on hand when you shop for a better energy deal will ensure you find a deal that suits your specific needs.

It helps you understand what drives costs and where you can save.

Accessing your data

If your business uses less than 160 MWh per annum and has a smart meter, then your electricity consumption is being metered in 30-minute intervals. You can ask for this data from your electricity retailer or distributor.

If your business consumes more than 160 MWh a year, you must contact your metering data agent to access your data.

Retailers and distributors should provide interval data to customers within 10 working days of receiving a request.

Some retailers and distributors have online portals where you may be able to download your consumption file.

Web portals provided by energy retailers and distributors allow you to view data from your smart meter via your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can:

  • view your electricity consumption by week, day and hour
  • view a forecast of your bill and see how you are tracking
  • set a budget target or goals to help you manage your costs.

Web portals

Supplier Web portal link
AusNet myHomeEnergy
CitiPower and PowercorMyEnergy
Jemena Electricity Outlook
Lumo Energy My Account
Shell Energy My Portal
Origin Energy Meter data request
United Energy United Energy

Using your data to save

  • Has your energy consumption changed over time? If so, it might be time to re-examine your energy contract – check out our page on buying energy.
  • Has your energy use increased over time? If so, consider investing in technology to reduce your energy consumption.
  • After-hours consumption. Are you using significant amounts of energy over the weekend or when your business is closed?
  • What time of year is your energy consumption highest? How does your energy consumption change over a year? Is it related to your business's hot or cold weather or peak production periods?
  • Determine the size and return on investment for a solar PV installation.

Page last updated: 09/05/24