On this page:


  • Not-for-profit groups, Traditional Owner Corporations
  • Closed

The First Peoples’ Solar and Storage Initiative will provide grant funding for you to install neighbourhood-scale batteries and solar panels.

The Victorian and Australian Governments have announced funding of up to $12.2 million. Applicants can access up to $700,000 of funding per project that installs a neighbourhood scale battery with solar panels. Projects that proceed with either a battery storage system or a solar system will be eligible for up to $350,000.

Funding is available through two streams:

  • Stream 1 is a non-competitive stream open to all twelve Victorian Registered Aboriginal Parties.
  • Stream 2 will seek applications from not-for-profit First Peoples’ Organisations such as Aboriginal Controlled Community Organisations.

If you need support

Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) is available to provide support prior to applications opening to discuss project ideas, application documentation and alignment with program objectives.

Contact us:

Key dates

  • 7 April 2025 : Applications open (Stream 2)
  • 5 pm, seven calendar days before applications close: Questions close (Stream 2)
  • 11 am, 19 May 2025: Applications close (Stream 2)
  • By June 2025: Applicants notified and funding agreements finalised (Stream 1 and 2)
  • July 2025: Project activities commence (Stream 1 and 2)
  • December 2026: Project activities completed and final project reports submitted (Streams 1 and 2)

Stream 2 – Not-for-profit First Peoples’ organisations

Who can apply

The following organisations are eligible to apply for funding:

  • Non-formally recognised Traditional Owner Corporations
  • Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
  • Aboriginal trusts and cooperatives
  • Other not-for-profit First Peoples’ organisations.

How to apply

DEECA is running a competitive grants process.

To be eligible your organisation must:

  • be located/based in Victoria
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN).

If required, applicants can arrange for a supporting organisation to assist you in managing funding and project administration, together or on your behalf.

Support from DEECA is available

Our team can support you before applications open to discuss:

  • your project ideas
  • application documentation
  • meeting program objectives.

To arrange a time, please contact the DEECA team via:

What you can use funding for

Funding of up to $700,000 per system is available for projects that:

  • install one or more neighbourhood battery and solar panel systems that provides financial benefits to First Peoples of Victoria.

This may include:

  • a behind the meter system, which supplies the stored electricity directly to the customer’s property, or a front of the meter system, which refers to batteries connected directly to the electricity network
  • a partnership with an energy retailer that allows you to get the best value from your solar and batteries through a retail product, designed to give your community low-cost energy
  • energy back-up systems that can supply power to a culturally appropriate, accessible site during grid outages
  • projects that reduce operational costs for the organisation, allowing savings to be invested in other services for First Peoples’ communities
  • projects that reduce bills for Aboriginal owned community housing (eg; with embedded networks to enable shared solar and storage)
  • staffing costs to support project delivery and build capacity within communities
  • install a chemical battery of a minimum size 20kW/40kWh and maximum 5MW/20MWh and install a new or expand an existing solar PV system.


  • You may install solar only or battery storage only, however this will reduce funding to $350,000.
  • You must complete your project by December 2026, according to the program guidelines.
  • Household-scale solar and battery systems will not be eligible for funding. Systems must be larger scale, shared solar and/or battery systems.


Make sure you complete the following before you apply:

  • read these guidelines carefully
  • check if your organisation is eligible for this grant funding
  • check if your project activity is eligible for this grant funding
  • check that you would be able to comply with all relevant laws and regulations in the delivery of your project
  • prepare and attach the appropriate supporting documents.

Supporting documents you need to provide

All applicants must submit the following documents with your application:

You must submit the following documents with your application.

Document name



Project budget (Excel, 33.4 KB)

You must use DEECA’s template.

Project delivery schedule (DOCX, 49.7 KB)

You can use your own template if:

  • your template contains all the same information as the DEECA template, as a minimum
  • is a comparable format.

Risk management log (DOCX, 63.3 KB)

You can use your own template if:

  • it contains all the same information, as a minimum
  • is a comparable format.

The risk register must include:

  • risks associated with the delivery of the project as funded by this grant
  • ongoing operational risks associated with the battery(s) operation.

Financial model

No DEECA template available.

Your financial model should include projections on the battery performance over time.

Important notes

  • Please make sure your supporting documents are in an acceptable file format, such as Word, Excel, PDF, or JPEG.
  • The maximum file size for each file is 10MB.
  • For any documents you cannot attach, you can email them to grantsinfo@deeca.vic.gov.au, please include your application number. Attach all documents to one email, zipping the files if required.
  • We are unable to accept hard copy applications.
  • Please ensure you provide all supporting documents, otherwise your application may be deemed ineligible.
  • Keep your attachments to requested information only. We cannot consider any extra information.
  • After applications close, we may ask that you provide additional evidence to clarify the claims/statements in your application.

Participating organisation

You may identify one or more project partner(s) as a participating organisation(s).

A participating organisation means:

  • any company (or other entity) working with you on your project, and/or
  • providing funding for your project, other than a Government Funder or a Subcontractor.

Note: You will be asked to clearly list the name and ABN of each participating organisation on the grant application form.

Applications for more than one solar/battery system

If you are seeking funding for more than one solar/battery system please submit a single application. This application should combine your funding requests and equal no more than the total eligible amount per project.

Note: Where projects are seeking funding for multiple batteries, DEECA reserves the right to partially fund projects.

Priorities for funding

Projects seeking funding for solar and battery systems with one or more of the following attributes will be given priority:

  • contributing to completed or scheduled works that supports switching from gas to electric appliances in the local community and/or the premises on which the battery is located
  • located in network areas with poor reliability, particularly in regional areas where addition of a neighbourhood battery will increase energy reliability.

Projects seeking funding for solar/battery(s) and energy back-up systems with one or more of the following attributes will be given priority:

  • high incidence of historical electricity outages (both frequency and duration)
  • no or limited community accessible or culturally safe powered buildings available during electricity outages
  • located in network areas with poor reliability, particularly in regional areas where addition of a neighbourhood battery will increase energy reliability
  • vulnerability to extreme weather events likely to impact electricity infrastructure (e.g. storms, bushfires).

DEECA provides no guarantee that any projects applied for will be funded following evaluation of applications. No undertaking is given on the amount of individual or total grant monies that may be provided.

Not eligible to apply

The following organisations and individuals are not eligible to apply for funding under either stream:

  • non-Aboriginal groups or organisations
  • private individuals
  • local government authorities
  • federal/state government departments or agencies
  • for-profit businesses.

Activities not funded

The First Peoples’ Solar and Storage Initiative will not fund the following activities:

  • business as usual costs, including salaries and wages for personnel not employed to support renewable energy activities
  • routine or ongoing maintenance activities, including but not limited to, operational and/or maintenance costs of running a neighbourhood battery or solar system
  • land acquisition and related expenses
  • expenditure on other projects
  • projects that have already commenced construction
  • the use of any new or emerging technologies that are lower than Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 9
  • feasibility studies or business cases (stream 2 only)
  • activities located outside the State of Victoria.

After you submit your application, you will receive an application number. Please quote this number in all communications with us about your application.

Notification of successful applicants

We will notify you about your application following the assessment process:

  • All decisions are final and are not subject to further review
  • Unsuccessful applicants can ask for feedback on their application

Step one – The eligibility of all applications is checked to ensure the applicant and their proposed activity(ies) meet the program criteria.

Step two - Eligible applications are assessed against the criteria listed below. Each criterion is given a percentage weighting to indicate its relative importance in the assessment process.

Applications should address all relevant criteria.

Criteria 1: Why should the project be funded?

Weighting 30%


You are required to describe how the project will contribute to the intended outcomes of the program including:

  • a description of how the project aligns with the program objectives and the objectives of the Commonwealth First Nations Clean Energy Strategy
  • details of how the project meets any of the priorities for funding listed in the Application Guidelines
  • details of financial viability or electrical savings.

Criteria 2: How complete is the application?

Weighting: 20%


You are required to demonstrate evidence of project planning including:

  • details of the battery(s) (size, location, number, and configuration) (if applicable)
  • details of the solar panel system(s) (if applicable)
  • details of any energy back-up system(s) (if applicable)
  • a completed Project Delivery Schedule, budget and risk register with details of the battery(s), solar system(s), site(s), insurance, project timeline and a description of the skills available within the project team and project partners etc.
  • letter(s) of support from project partners, including First Peoples’ businesses and Traditional Owners where appropriate.

Criteria 3: Who will the project benefit?

Weighting: 30%


You are required to provide details of project benefits, including:

  • How benefits from local renewable energy generation and storage projects will be passed onto First Peoples, including, but not limited to, using electricity bill savings to provide more or higher quality services, etc.

Criteria 4: What are the project’s economics?

Weighting: 20%


If you are proposing a behind the meter installation you must provide:

  • data of onsite electricity consumption and generation[1], and modelling on how the battery and/or solar system will reduce premises’ energy costs and/or improve energy reliability.

If you are installing a front of meter battery and or solar system you must provide a financial model that includes (at a minimum):

  • expected return on investment (ROI) over the life of the battery and solar system(s)
  • expected revenues over the life of the battery and solar system(s), including the source of these revenue projections
  • expected costs over the lifetime of the battery and solar system(s), with a clear breakdown of cost categories
  • a calculation of the battery(s) capital cost per kilowatt hour
  • a calculation of the total project cost per kilowatt hour of total installed battery(s)
  • a clear identification of all assumptions underpinning your model.

Stream 1 – Registered Aboriginal Parties

Who can apply: formally recognised Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAP) across Victoria.

How to apply: DEECA representatives will meet with RAPs to discuss project options and scope a neighbourhood battery and solar system. A project plan will be used to detail the scope and project schedule, which will be added to the funding agreement.

Project development: you will lead the development and management of the project, with support from DEECA as required.

DEECA will support you to develop:

  • a project design and scope
  • a budget
  • a project timeline
  • milestone deliverables
  • a plan for any asset management issues such as maintenance and decommissioning.

Project development is expected to occur from February to June 2025.

Funding agreements are to be signed by July 2025.

If required, you can arrange for a third-party organisation to support you to manage funding, project development and project administration.

What you can use funding for

You can get funding of up to $700,000 for projects that:

  • install one or more neighbourhood batteries and solar PV systems that provide financial benefits to First Peoples of Victoria.

This may include:

  • a behind the meter system, which supplies the stored electricity directly to the customer’s property, or a front of the meter system, which refers to batteries connected directly to the electricity network
  • a partnership with an energy retailer that allows you to get the best value from your solar and batteries through a retail product, designed to give your community low-cost energy
  • projects that reduce operational costs for the RAP
  • energy back-up systems that can supply power to accessible sites during grid outages
  • staffing costs to support project delivery and build capacity within communities
  • install a chemical battery of a minimum size 20kW/40kWh and maximum 5MW/20MWh and install a new or expand on an existing solar panel system.


  • You may install solar only or battery storage only, however this will reduce funding to $350,000.
  • You must complete your project by December 2026, according to the program guidelines.

Funding conditions

The following conditions apply to both stream 1 and 2.

Funding agreements

Successful applicants must enter into a funding agreement with Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.

The Victorian Government Common Funding Agreement is used for not-for-profit entities.

It is recommended that applicants review the terms and conditions before applying:

Where a streamlined funding agreement is in place with a Registered Aboriginal Party, this can be used as the funding agreement for this initiative.

Funding must not be used for political campaigning or advocacy activities for political parties.

Legislative and regulatory requirements

In delivering the activity you must follow all relevant Commonwealth and state/territory legislation and regulations. These include but are not limited to:

  • Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)
  • Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic)
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
  • Planning and Environment Act 1987
  • Climate Change Act 2017
  • Electricity Safety Act 1998
  • National Electricity (Victoria) Act 2005
  • Electricity Industry Act 2000.

Tax implications

For any tax implications arising from grant funding, you should consult:·

  • the Australian Taxation Office, or
  • seek professional advice.

We will offer funding as a GST exclusive amount.

For organisations with an ABN who are GST registered, the payment will include GST.

Recipients are responsible for determining their tax liabilities for grant payments. Grants provided by DEECA are classified as income and tax may be payable by recipients.

You are responsible for investigating your tax structure and treatment.

Acknowledging the Victorian and Australian Governments' support

Successful applicants must:


Payments will be made as long as:

  • the funding agreement has been signed by both parties
  • you provide reports as required, or otherwise (as agreed by DEECA) that show the activity is progressing as expected
  • you continue to meet other terms and conditions of the funding.

Monitoring and reporting

You must monitor and report on your project as outlined in the funding agreement. This may include progress reports, site inspections, completion reports and acquittal documentation.

You are responsible for the delivery of the project. This includes any project cost overruns should they occur.

We reserve the right to cancel the grant and, if applicable, recoup payments where you:

  • delay a project for an unreasonable length of time
  • make changes to the scope of your project, without approval, after we have approved funding, or
  • fail to deliver a project.


We are not liable for any costs, expenses, losses, claims or damages that you may incur when applying for grant funding. This includes:

  • in preparing or submitting an application
  • providing further information to DEECA, or
  • participating in negotiations with DEECA.

Probity for application procedures

For any person involved in the application process you or your associates must not:

  • offer them any incentive, or
  • attempt to influence them.

This applies to any future contracts awarded at any stage of the project.

If we determine that you or any of your associates have violated this condition, we may disqualify you from further consideration. This is at DEECA’s absolute discretion.

By submitting an application, you consent for DEECA to perform probity and financial checks on you or your associates.

You agree, if requested by DEECA, to seek consent from individuals to allow such checks.


We will collect your personal information to administer your grant application. We may also inform Members of Parliament of successful applications.

We may also disclose your personal information to external experts. This may include members of assessment panels, or other Government departments. We may disclose this information for assessment, reporting, advice, comment or for discussions about alternative or collaborative grant funding opportunities.

If you intend to include a third party’s personal information in your application, please ensure they know the contents of this privacy statement.

We will collect, hold, manage, use, disclose or transfer your personal information to a third party under the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and other applicable laws.

DEECA is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information. DEECA’s Privacy Policy.

You can request access to the information about you held by DEECA by writing to:

More about this initiative

This initiative aims to support self-determination and the transfer of power and resources to First Peoples’ communities for cultural, economic, customary and spiritual purposes.

The initiative will provide funding to support First Peoples’ organisations to invest in and benefit from solar and storage projects. Your organisation can then determine how to deliver benefits back to your community.

The initiative also seeks to support the aims of the Australian Governments’ First Nations Clean Energy Strategy and your project will be assessed against its alignment with the following objectives from the strategy, to:

  • participate in and benefit from the clean energy transformation
  • ensure access to reliable clean energy for all Australians
  • ensure First Peoples cultural heritage, knowledge and connection to Land and Sea Country is respected
  • support government and industry to create opportunities to build deeper collaboration, consensus and new ways of working with First Nations people.

The First Peoples' Solar and Storage Initiative is jointly funded by the Victorian and Australian Governments.

Page last updated: 12/03/25