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Aboriginal energy

Established in 2020, Aboriginal Energy aligns with DEECA's Pupangarli Marnmarnepu' Owning our Future' Aboriginal Self-Determination Reform Strategy 2020-25.

The Team supports Aboriginal self-determination by empowering Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians to have a greater role in decision-making as part of Victoria's transition to renewable energy technologies.

We are committed to renewable energy projects that empower Traditional Owners and support their self-determination.

Traditional Owner Renewable Energy Program

The Traditional Owner Renewable Energy Program (TOREP) is the Victorian Government's first tailored renewable energy grant program for Traditional Owner Corporations.

The Program supports Traditional Owner Corporations in designing and implementing their plans and aspirations in renewable energy.

The Program was announced in November 2020. It provides $1.1 million in grant funding. All Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) are eligible to apply for up to $100,000 each.

This grants round has now closed for new applications.

To date, 9 RAPs have received funding for a range of renewable energy community projects to be delivered by June 2023. These projects include:

  • installation and usage of renewable energy generation and storage
  • feasibility studies and business case development
  • renewable energy policies and strategies
  • community engagement and workshops on renewable energy.

Project update

March 2022

The first of the TOREP projects have been completed by the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (WTOAC).

Renewable Energy project.  Solar generation and storage systems are now integrated on 2 buildings in Ballarat and Ballan. Renewable energy technology will provide a sustainable, clean energy source and reduce their associated energy costs that Wadawurrung people will benefit from now and into the future.

Read the Solar project delivers for Wadawurrung Community media release.

Other Aboriginal community grant programs

TOREP is the first tailored renewable energy grant program for Traditional Owners.

Visit Grants for Aboriginal Victorians to learn about the range of grants, funding and training available.

Apply for other Victorian Government community and business grants.

Page last updated: 17/05/23