Female voice: Victoria's renewable energy targets are 25% by 2020, 40% by 2025 and 50% by 2030.

Investing in microgrids like this one in Berkshire will help us reach our targets to create more sustainable, reliable and affordable energy for the community.

[On-screen text: Microgrid Demonstration Initiative. Birchip Cropping Group]

[On-screen text: Andrew Mears. Clean Energy Innovator & Entrepreneur, Switchdin.]

Andrew Mears: Microgrids have the potential to bring new efficiencies and empower consumers to manage their energy costs, but also to improve resilience and supply security.

[On-screen text: Cameron Taylor. Business Development and Innovation Manager, Birchip Cropping Group.]

Cameron Taylor: Microgrid is a community of energy users.

The demonstration project that we've got here is solar and battery and connected to the grid as well.

[On-screen text: Daniel McLachlin. President, Birchip Community Forum.]

Daniel McLachlin: We welcome any initiative that can start a broader conversation about clean energy in the future. We congratulate BCG and the state government for backing an initiative like this. If we can position ourselves as open for business with cheap land and cheap, reliable power, we might be able to attract new industry to the area.

Female voice: The Victorian government has provided $10 million to support 8 microgrid pilots across the state. This microgrid in Birchip was the first to come alive. Learn more at energy.vic.gov.au

[On-screen logo: The Victorian State Government]

[On-screen text: Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne]

Page last updated: 06/09/22