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Environment Effects Statement

VicGrid is undertaking environmental assessments to inform the preparation of an Environment Effects Statement (EES) – a comprehensive investigation of the project’s potential environmental, social, economic and cultural impacts.

Through a coordinated process accredited via a Bilateral Assessment Agreement between the Commonwealth and the State of Victoria, the EES will include assessment of matters of national environmental significance protected under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) (EPBC Act).

At the end of the EES process, the Victorian Minister for Planning will issue an assessment of the project and its effects. This will be provided to Victorian decision-makers, as well as the Australian Government to inform their decision making.

Read more about how potential environmental impacts are assessed in the assessing environmental impacts factsheet.

Assessing what is important to Gippsland communities in the EES

Public consultation is a key part of the planning and environment assessment process.

There will be opportunities throughout the preparation of the EES to provide feedback and contribute to our understanding of local environmental and social issues.

Consultation on draft EES Scoping Requirements

Scoping Requirements set out proposed matters to be investigated and documented in the EES.

On behalf of the Victorian Minister for Planning, the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) has developed draft Scoping Requirements, including impacts on:

  • Biodiversity and ecological values, including native vegetation and flora and fauna in the study area.
  • Socioeconomic values and land uses, including agriculture, forestry and local communities.
  • Aboriginal cultural heritage and historic heritage values.
  • Surface water environments including waterways and wetlands.
  • Landscape values and visual amenity.

Draft Scoping Requirements are open for public comment from 20 March 2025 to 10 April 2025. Visit Engage Victoria for information on how to participate.

Feedback on the draft Scoping Requirements will be provided to the Victorian Minister for Planning to consider when making a decision on finalising the Scoping Requirements.

Hear from the project team

VicGrid is hosting a webinar on Wednesday 2 April 2025, from 6 pm to 7:15 pm.

Join us online to hear more about Gippsland offshore wind transmission, the EES process and how you can share your feedback. The webinar will include time for a Q&A with our presenters.

To register to attend the webinar, visit: Webinar Offshore Wind Transmission Project Update.

If you require Auslan (Australian Sign Language) or other support, please email vicgrid@deeca.vic.gov.au by Monday 31 March 2025.

Learn More

For more information on planning and environment assessments visit:

Sign up for our e-news to be notified when public comments are open.

Page last updated: 20/03/25