[Mitch Watson, Director, Transmission and REZ Development: As Victoria transitions from coal to renewables, we need to make sure the benefits of this change are shared fairly.]
[aerial view of river landscape and powerlines]
[Mitch Watson: That's why VicGrid is putting in place a new approach with community energy funds, landholder payments, neighbour payments, and benefits for traditional owners.]
[footage of Swan Hill township, including bridge, town hall and people chatting during community session]
[Mitch Watson: Today we are here in Swan Hill to hear directly from communities about their perspectives on our new approach.]
[Roger Griffiths, Executive Manager Economic Development - Gannawarra Shire Counci: VicGrid's session here today gives the general community the opportunity to come and hear firsthand what VicGrid are proposing. It gives them the benefit to then contribute and have a say in how the plan rolls out.]
[Mitch Watson: We're acutely aware of the impacts of VicGrid, that new development and infrastructure in regional and remote rural communities can have.
Communities want to see:
- broad benefits across their regions
- really impactful investments that will have lasting legacy for generations to come.]
[footage from community sessions showing people presenting and chatting to the community]
[Roger Griffiths: The community benefit plan that VicGrid preparing will provide a great deal of benefit back into the communities that are hosting transmission. So, we're pretty excited by what's proposed.]
[Daniel local resident: I think that should be shared in a way that maximises their regional living capacity. People want to stay, and it fosters growth in the area.]
[Stuart King, Councillor, Stuart King. Swan Hill Rural City Council Mayor: So, the energy transition needs to take everybody into consideration. So, the people that are directly impacted and also the people that are indirectly impacted. Hopefully this type of work can actually impact regional economies financially. Because we've got a whole lot of community facilities that could do with lots more additional funding.]
[Roger Griffiths: Energy infrastructure and the importance of getting community input is paramount so that VicGrid can get a good understanding of what rural communities need and how that rollout can take place.]
[Stuart King: As with every new project and new idea out, there's some that support, there's some that don't support. So from a local government perspective, we need to find a balanced approach so that uh, we are hearing the needs of, of all the members of our community and getting the best outcomes for everybody.]
Page last updated: 23/12/24