Victorian Renewable Energy Target auctions - VRET1 and VRET2

The Victorian Renewable Energy Target auctions - VRET1 and VRET2 - help us meet our renewable energy targets by providing long-term contracts that create investment certainty to build new energy generation projects.

Under VRET1, 5 projects were delivered, bringing forward 800 MW of new renewable capacity, enough to power more than 570,000 Victorian households. There were:

  • Berrybank Wind Farm (180 MW) by Global Power Generation, west of Geelong
  • Cohuna Solar Farm (34 MW) by Enel Green Power Australia, east of Kerang
  • Dundonnell Wind Farm (336 MW) by Tilt Renewables, north-east of Warrnambool
  • Mortlake South Wind Farm (158 MW) by Acciona, south of Mortlake
  • Winton Solar Farm (99 MW) by Fotowatio Renewable Ventures, east of Benalla.

Page last updated: 21/03/23