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Victoria is charging ahead as a renewable energy powerhouse.
We’ve achieved our first renewable energy target of 25% by 2020.
And are well on our way to achieving our second target of 40% by 2025.
Under our first Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) auction, 5 projects were delivered, bringing forward 800 MW of new renewable capacity.
That’s enough to power more than 570,000 Victorian households.
Now, through VRET2, 6 new solar projects will provide a further 623 MW of renewable energy generation.
Critically, 4 of those projects will include up to 365 MW and 600 MWh of battery storage, providing clean, cheap dispatchable energy when it is needed most.
These 6 projects will generate $1.48 billion of economic investment
Support 920 direct jobs
Benefiting regional areas such as Gippsland, the Grampians, Hume and Loddon Mallee through strong local content and benefit sharing requirements.
And contribute to the achievement of 100 per cent renewable electricity for all government operations by 2025
Including schools, hospitals and our metro train network
It’s all part of our path to net-zero emissions – and delivering a cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy system for Victoria.
Page last updated: 21/11/23