Our Aboriginal Cultural Identity is being rolled out across the department internally and externally and will serve as a visual reminder of our ongoing commitment to working in full partnership with Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians. It will also represents DELWP’s culturally safe and respectful environment for Aboriginal employees and visitors.
DELWP’s Aboriginal Cultural Identity is a commissioned piece created by artist Thomas Day, a Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wemba man. The artwork was created in collaboration with Aboriginal staff to better understand the work DELWP does and the values our staff hold which is reflected in the artwork.
The painting depicts country.
The background colors represent the landscapes with sea country at the bottom flowing into the forest and grasslands country then we see the desert country flowing into the wetlands and into the mountain country.
The foreground designs represent scars that have been left within the landscape by our old people, serving as reminders but more importantly guides to show places of importance.
The four scar trees represent the four directions of north, east, south and west with spirits peeking behind them. This represents the our ancient connection and our inherent responsibility to protect country.
The boldest designs represent what is visible to us today with the powerful river standing out the other designs represent markings to signify ceremony.
Each white line signifies our ongoing connection to country by representing our generations that is our bloodline.
Tom Day
Wemba Wemba
Yorta Yorta