Victoria has world-class wind resources and technology

Our Victorian Renewable Energy Target (VRET) saw 25% of our state’s electricity supplied by renewable sources in 2020.

We have recently legislated new targets that build on our existing targets.

The legislated targets are:

  • 25% by 2020 (achieved)
  • 40% by 2025
  • 65% by 2030 (previously 50%)
  • 95% by 2035 (new).

Increasing the use of renewable energy will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Victoria achieved its target of a 15% to 20% reduction in emissions in 2019 (from 2005 levels) ahead of schedule and is working to achieve net zero emissions by 2045.

Victoria’s windfarms generated around 21% of Victoria’s electricity in 2023.

Wind turbines are simple to operate. The energy in the wind turns blades on a rotor. The rotor connects to the main shaft, spins a generator to create electricity.

Each megawatt hour of wind energy avoids the generation of around 0.7 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. A 3.5 MW wind turbine can power around 2,100 homes and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 7,100 tons annually. That’s the same as removing around 2,300 cars from our roads.

Wind farm planning

The Minister for Planning reviews new wind farm applications. These applications are assessed against the local planning scheme to ensure they are affordable, environmentally friendly and beneficial for the local community.

Learn more about wind energy projects and offshore wind energy in Victoria.

Page last updated: 06/05/24