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Energy Safe Victoria is the state's electrical and gas safety regulator. Energy Safe Victoria can help you with information on energy safety in the home, at work, outdoors or in emergencies.

Reporting a safety issue

Report safety issues to Energy Safe Victoria (9203 9700) or contact your energy distributor.

Power outages and blackouts

If your power goes out, your energy distributor will arrange for it to be restored.

Find your energy distributor online or call 136 186.

Gas leaks

Find your gas distributor to report gas leaks or other gas emergencies, or call 136 186.

Floods and storms

Floodwater damage to your home's electrical circuitry, gas installations or appliances can threaten safety.

  • Your energy distributor can advise you on how to get back up and running.
  • You should call an accredited electrician to inspect your home or building after flood damage.
  • Water affected gas appliances should not be used until inspected by a licensed gasfitter.

Fallen powerlines

Following an emergency, event powerlines may still be live and can be fatal. Please follow these precautions.

  • Stay well clear of fallen powerlines or anything they may be touching.
  • Call your local electricity distributor – or the faults and emergencies number on your most recent electricity bill.
  • Do not attempt to remove or prune trees that have fallen on powerlines yourself.

Using generators

  • Get help from a licensed electrician to connect an energy generator.
  • You must not connect permanent generators or perform other electrical work around the home. It is both illegal and dangerous. Licensed electricians can only carry out this work.

Reconnecting after an emergency

  • You must use a licensed tradesperson for gas or electric work following the effects of a flood or fire.
  • Suppose a storm or fire has damaged your property. In that case, you should have a licensed electrician check wiring and repair any electrical damage before you reconnect power or switch on appliances.

Page last updated: 28/05/24