26 June 2022

Below is a statement from the Essential Services Commission (the commission) about the dumping of refrigerated cabinets that has occurred and is being reported widely today. The commission is concerned about this development and is taking immediate action to ensure this behaviour ceases.

Essential Services Commission statement on refrigerated cabinet activity under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program

We are aware of instances of large numbers of refrigerated cabinets being dumped on the street or provided to customers who don’t want them.

As the administrator and regulator of the Victorian Energy Upgrades program, the Essential Services Commission considers this behaviour to be completely unacceptable.

Businesses accredited under the Victorian Energy Upgrades program are on notice that we will not tolerate this behaviour.

We will not be progressing the registration of Victorian energy efficiency certificates for multiple installations of refrigerated cabinets while we investigate this behaviour as an urgent priority.

The commission will not hesitate to take strong enforcement action against accredited persons where we find breaches of the program rules. This could include suspension from the program and the surrender of Victorian energy efficiency certificates.

The dumping of these appliances on public thoroughfares must stop, and we will alert the relevant authorities.

We encourage members of the public, businesses, or program participants to contact the Essential Services Commission with any information about this practice of dumping refrigerated cabinets on 03 9032 1310 or veu@esc.vic.gov.au.

Page last updated: 20/09/22