11 April 2022

The Department has published the Hot Pipe Lagging Response to Consultation outlining the department’s response to stakeholder feedback received in the Hot Pipe Lagging Consultation.

Nine stakeholder submissions were received through the consultation, which the department has considered in making decisions on the final approach to the hot pipe lagging activity. These decisions include:

  • using AS 4426 (Thermal Insulation of Pipework, Ductwork and Equipment – Selection, Installation and Finish) as the standard for this activity
  • not introducing a minimum lagging coverage requirement for this activity
  • confining the activity to lagging of bare pipes.

The Department will finalise the Regulations and Specifications for the hot pipe lagging activity to address stakeholder feedback from the consultation. The department proposes to publish final Regulations and Specifications in Q2 2022.

Page last updated: 20/09/22