11 April 2022

The Department has committed to updating the VEU market update and work program webpage on a monthly basis in relation to the Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificate (VEEC) market, and on a quarterly basis for the progress of new and revised activities for the VEU program.

Please note:

  • these 2 updates were provided on 8 April 2022
  • there have been some changes to the activities workplan, with consultations for water heating, space heating, smart thermostats and large energy users due to take place in Q2 2022
  • the Measurement and Verification (M&V) review has been renamed as the Project-based Activity (PBA) review. This reflects the breadth of the consultation which will include initial reviews of the M&V and Benchmarking methods and a discussion on the interactions with the Building Energy Management Information Systems (BEMIS) deemed activity. The PBA consultation will commence in Q2.

Page last updated: 20/09/22