16 April 2024

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) recently consulted on banning telemarketing and doorknocking under the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program.

DEECA would like to thank the 211 stakeholders for their participation and engagement in this second round of consultation.

We have carefully read and considered all submissions, using insights gained to inform the response to consultation.

Response to consultation

The response to the consultation broadly identifies the issues and themes raised by stakeholders during the consultation and provides reasons for implementing the preferred option, a phased ban on both telemarketing and doorknocking (Option C).

Option C was maintained as the preferred option, as it is expected to provide the best outcome for both consumers and the VEU industry, by balancing the benefits and risks for consumer protection and market stability.

For more information and to download the response to consultation document, please see our Engage Victoria consultation page.

Ban implementation dates

From 1 May 2024, accredited providers and scheme participants will no longer be permitted to use telemarketing to market energy-efficient products and services in the VEU program. A further ban on doorknocking methods will take effect on 1 August 2024.

The final regulations will be uploaded to the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Regulations 2018 page and the Engage Victoria page in the coming weeks.

Design of the ban

Under the requirements for both bans, accredited providers and scheme participants cannot:

  • telephone a person, or doorknock at a person’s premises, except in certain circumstances where the person has provided express consent to being telephoned or doorknocked.
  • arrange an employee, contractor, or agent to telephone or doorknock a person’s premises, unless the person has provided express consent.
  • purchase a person’s contact details from a third party. To be specific, the contact details of a person who had previously expressed interest in a product upgrade under the VEU program, whether that be during, or after the person was either telephoned or doorknocked at their premises.

Regulation of the ban

The Essential Services Commission (ESC), as regulator and administrator of the VEU program, is engaging with VEU-accredited providers and installers to ensure they understand their obligations under the ban.

The ESC will actively monitor compliance once the ban is in effect through an expanded range of tools and will take strong enforcement action for breaches of the ban. Industry guidance material will be published on the ESC website in the coming weeks.

VEU consultations are currently open

The VEU program has a number of consultations open on Engage Victoria. DEECA acknowledges that having several consultations open at once may be challenging for some stakeholders. We hope that the summary below assists you in prioritising consultations that you may be interested in.

Victorian Energy Upgrades Induction Cooktops

  • Closes 21 April 2024.
  • Seeking feedback from stakeholders on the proposed design, Specifications, and Issues Paper regarding the introduction of a new induction cooktop activity.

Victorian Energy Upgrades Electrification co-payment and warranties

  • Closes 21 April 2024.
  • Seeking feedback from stakeholders on the proposed introduction of new co-payment and warranty requirements for heat pump water heaters, reverse cycle air conditioners and cold rooms

Project-based Activities (PBAs)

  • Closes 29 April 2024.
  • Seeking stakeholder feedback on proposed changes to the Project Based Activities - measurement and verification.

Page last updated: 23/07/24