16 December 2022

Following the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) Project based activities Consultation, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (the department), has published the Project based activities Response to Consultation outlining the department’s response to stakeholder feedback.

A total of 23 stakeholder submissions were received through the consultation. Stakeholders provided valuable feedback on Project based activities and the department thanks those who provided input.

The department has considered stakeholder feedback and has identified key areas to focus on for the continued development of Project based activities. The response to consultation outlines these focus areas, which include:

  • Investigate potential refinements that can support improvement and streamlining of Measurement and Verification (M&V) for a future update.
  • Continually working with the Essential Services Commission to identify improvements to administrative processes for M&V.
  • Developing the Building Energy Management Information System (BEMIS) deemed activity.
  • Exploring opportunities to streamline the Benchmark Rating method and work with relevant organisations, such as NABERS, to improve the activity to support uptake.
  • Continue to support the growth of renewable energy projects in M&V that support the objectives of the VEU program and to identify opportunities to streamline.
  • Seek to implement changes to improve communication and engagement for PBA stakeholders.

Next steps

  • The department will draft the revised Regulations and Specifications for the Measurement and Verification method. This will incorporate a range of changes to support improvements to the activity highlighted in the consultation.
  • The department will draft Regulations and Specifications for Building Energy Management Information Systems activity.
  • The department will identify changes for the Benchmark Rating method to determine how the method’s barriers can be addressed.
  • The department will identify and implement relevant engagement mechanisms to support continuous communication with PBA stakeholders.

Page last updated: 10/03/23