28 March 2024
The Department of Energy, Environment, and Climate Action (DEECA) is making improvements to streamline the Project-based activities (PBA) Measurement and Verification (M&V) method in the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program to remove potential barriers and encourage greater uptake. DEECA has published the Project based activities, Measurement and Verification Consultation for stakeholder feedback.
DEECA completed a consultation process for Project based activities in 2022. Following targeted consultation with PBA Accredited Persons (APs), draft changes have been developed and presented for stakeholder feedback including:
- adjustments to the M&V method to clarify points of uncertainty previously identified
- implementing measures to enable more flexibility for projects while maintaining rigour
- administrative updates to the Benchmarking method.
Please read the issues paper and have your say on the activity through Engage Victoria by 29 April 2024.
You can find the Project Based Activites consultation on the Engage Victoria website.
You can also make a submission via email to energy.upgrades@deeca.vic.gov.au.
Please note that the proposed changes to these activities (including the draft specifications attached to this paper) are subject to further consideration and final approval.
Page last updated: 28/03/24