
Victorian households and businesses can receive discounts when upgrading fridges or freezers.

To be eligible to upgrade your fridge or freezer and get a discount, you must:

*Note: Some products that have dedicated higher temperature compartments such as wine cellars are not eligible for incentives.

For information on cold room upgrades for businesses, visit Cold room discounts.

To get a discount on the installation of a fridge or freezer, you must work with an accredited provider.

How much discount to expect

Incentives of up to the following amounts are available for the average household or business:

To be purchased

Indicative discount*

High-efficiency fridge or freezer


*This figure is based on a certificate price of $70.

The final value of the discount is determined by your accredited provider. This depends on the:

  • certificate price (which fluctuates)
  • accredited provider’s administrative costs.

For more information on certificate prices under the VEU program, please visit Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs).

If you have purchased an eligible fridge or freezer from 16 December 2024 and would like to organise a retrospective rebate, an accredited provider may be able to guide you through the process.

Please note: to get the discount you may be required to:

  • provide an invoice/proof of purchase listing the brand and model of the installed product
  • provide proof of delivery and/or address
  • sign an assignment form.

Find an accredited provider in your area

Please note that as VEU is a market-based program:

  • not all accredited providers listed above will necessarily be offering energy efficient fridge / freezer incentives at present
  • accredited providers can choose when, where and what activities they offer.

Page last updated: 28/01/25